Some practical info

Things to know before your first session

Firstly – if you haven’t already been there – I invite you to take a look around this website. You will find most of what you need here.
In particular, this page has information about sessions.

I treat everything you tell me in our sessions as absolutely private and confidential.
However I am obliged to tell you about a legal exception to this: if you were at risk of harming yourself or another person, and if that harm could be avoided by sharing the information, then I would have to do so. (Thankfully this situation is extremely rare!)

The IST technique usually includes me touching or pressing a spot somewhere on your body. I will check with you beforehand, and you may ask me to stop at any time, simply by saying, “Stop.”

As a psychologist, some of my sessions are eligible for a Medicare rebate of $96.65, for up to 10 sessions in a calendar year.
To claim this, you will need to get a referral and Mental Health Care Plan from your GP, and bring these to the session, along with your Medicare card. Note that you can pay by debit or credit card, either physical or via your phone. But to receive the Medicare rebate you will need to bring an actual physical debit card with you.

Fees and Cancellations
My sessions are an hour and a half and the fee is $250 per session.

Or, if you are a student or pensioner, ask me about my concession fee.

In most cases, cancelling your session with less than 24 hours notice will mean being charged a cancellation fee, which will be the full cost of the session.

Where to find me

On Tuesdays I am at Sydney Therapy, Drummoyne.

Look for the door to the right of the real estate office that leads upstairs.
When you walk up the stairs you’ll see Drummoyne Psychology straight ahead of you. That’s not it! Look to your left and go up a few more steps and you’ll see Sydney Therapy. That’s it!

Preparing for the session

Please avoid alcohol and other recreational drugs for at least a day before the session. It’s also a good idea to not have coffee before your session (you can have it after!). Your regular medication is fine.
Most of all, just bring yourself and the issue you want to work on.

Please also let me know if you have Covid-like or flu-like symptoms, have recently tested positive for Covid, or have been in close contact with someone with Covid.
In most cases I will recommend we do a session remotely. But please check in with me first.

Online sessions

I also offer online sessions. I prefer to do at least one session with you in person first, but sometimes this is not practically possible. If this is the case contact me and we can chat about it.